Saturday, June 21, 2008

MLTR was so right in penning the song Sleeping child....sometimes you just wonder is actually we followed the sleeping child the world would be a better place. Its heartening to see people ripping each other apart at the cost of productive work. Its not just professional, its when it gets personal the situation becomes bad. Its amazing to see how we develop a sense of ultimate superiority given a whiff of importance. While its not bad to do the same, I admit one has to draw a line between confidence and arrogance. Mediocracity is a sin and should always be removed but superiority at the cost of morality...never. So here I am looking at the developments around me as an awake child. Have to involve myself at some time or the other. Sometimes I wonder which role to play, a sleeping child, awake child, angry child, sulky child, evel child, mischievous child, inquisitive child, crusader child and just hope that the others around me act like mature adults!

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