Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dont really have anything in particular to blog..just that I dont wanna "discontinue" my renewed attempt at blogging...I realised its good for me if I just sit for a few minutes and let the brain to keyboard synchronisation happen!!

Days being goin good...been enjoying whats on the plates...trying to make the plate bigger, increasing the appetite, demanding more food on it,asking for a bowl what not!!! Dont know what the journey demands but wanna do it for sure...lots of precious things to keep me company..friends,special friends,more than friends,life...precious things are to be treasured cause thats why you live life for....a pretty funny thing happened yesterday....a friend was asking if I ever get bored or feel lonely?? My prompt reply..."I enjoy my company!!!" Its amazing when you start enjoying time with yourself, a lot of life's problems just disappear!

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