Sunday, May 03, 2009

Its very wierd that with some much happenings I havent been able to blog. Whats happenings is enough to add up to all that I have blogged since starting! But then life is like that. You have plans, back up plans and back up to those back up plans. Sometimes all fails. Life is like a pyramid, the central structure is the self, and from the sides are the supports pillars. Sometimes you need all of them to just be there as the confidence to withstand the whole strucure alone looks difficult. A lot of things are happening, some totally new experiences, in these times came across a really beautiful book The Spiders of Allah written by a war correspondent. In difficult times reading about people who endure much more difficulties helps you get some semblance of strength and thats what the book had done. Suddenly the enormity of the struggles that were on me, something which was definitely killing started looking like a pigment in comparision to what soldiers and war correspondents go through. Yes these are tough times, yes I would not like to see them again and yes I want to fight my way out of this and come out winning.

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