Thursday, July 03, 2008

Rains always bring mixed responses. Its the joy of geting wet and the feeling of freshness combined with the yucky feeling of getting dirty, late and the irrestible urge to get lazy! You actually feel like just switching on the music, taking a book and a cup of hot coffee and sit on a couch next to a window and just relax! But yup... some souls brave the rains to arrive at work wading through the rivers of fury! Its amazing how our buses can at times row like boats! Neways the next day its an amazing feeling to see that you office building has got some power trip and the ac wont work the whole day! Next you come to know the tea coffee dispenser wont work the whole day!! Next you come to know the Gym is closed for the day!!! Aw man, guess being lazy in the rains is the best thing to do.

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