Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Great stufff ! The faculty in the finance paper comes and asks me to attempt the whole paper. Well, thats the only thing that can guarantee me a pass in finance. Now hopefully can relax with relatively easier papers in the next two days. But today?? Gotta leave it to the faculty who asked me to attempt the whole paper. Had cleared fin with just 2 marks. Shit i just wanna pass! The best thing, I have gone ahead and taken a Finance paper as an elective for the next sem. Gotta face this challenge now too. The funny thing that happened today was this guy who wanted to piss badly wasn't allowed to. That's because a guy was caught with notes in the loo. So our pissy guy was mumbling about why he can't piss. Next minutes he gets up and gulps down a glass of water as if that would have helped! People forget basic body stuff during exams. Pee + Water = More Pee !!

Neways lets see whats in store for me in CounterStrike today. Gotta play my heart out today..

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