Thursday, March 23, 2006

Generation Awake ??

March 23 ! Rings no bell in most people's head and thats really sad. This was the day when Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged to death. Its kinda wierd that Inquilab is no longer zindabad and we hum Masti Ki Pathshaala but as a generation are not still awake! I sometimes wonder whether the purpose of making Rang De Basanti was defeated cuz all people remember now is Masti Ki Pathshaala and not the messege the movie was supposed to carry!

As far as my revolution in today's paper was concerned, came out without dying! Luckily only stuff i had read and come were asked.So the battle continues and Inquilab Zindabad lives from my side atleast.

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