Its been an amazing trip. Two days on the field, spending time with people who understand the difference between sitting in an air conditioned office and sweating it out on the battlefield. The unwinding at the end of he day is always a bonus. Its good to see new blood infusing new ideas and enthisiasm. One thing striking me was the use of the word "passion" by a person who somehow I never got to work with but it would have been intersting. Any work without passion is not work, its only an obligation. The passion to do better, challenge yourself and others is what motivates some people. Its like you can spot them when you just look at them in the eye. People have their selection and judging criteria, what rarely gets captured is that passion. If it does, its one attribute that is rarely nurtured. A passionate person is answerable to himself at the end of the day rather than any superior or the society. Its common to see a passionate boss lose it when the same passion is not reflected in his team. The same is true vice-a-versa. If you look around its not diffucult to find such people as there are quite a lot of them. The guy at the pawn shop, the person standing next to you in the train, the shop floor associate, the high flying corporate,the loving mother,the auto ricshaw driver....there are so many its actually hard to miss them. The irony is, they are not tapped to even 20% of their potential. Look around and you will happily find every mechanism running to only 20% of its potential. Be it our companies, retail stores, civic cleanliness and amenities and at times our cricket team (currently at 120% thatnks to IPL!!!)
Fact remains am looking forward to my next trip and my next brush with the real people. Trying to be even 20% like them is a huge learning.
10 months ago
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