Saturday, August 02, 2008

Finally I saw Jaane Tu ya jaane na.....after the whole world had seen it, debunked it, laughed at it. the amazing storyline and the climax (or lack of it), I took it upon me to explore the movie. The movie has been ripped apart by critics and audience. Some have loved it, some hated but one thing is there. Have to give it to Abbas Tyrewala for the way he handled the multiple emotions throughout the movie. Every character has a story, says somethings which sometimes doesnt get captured by the dialogues. At some point of time you feel theres a bit if every charactes in you. The way he has handled the characters is quite amazing. But yes, we all could have done without the bhaloos and the bhageeras and mougli!! Terrorist meow kar raha hai...I mean c'mon!!! You take good characters, build a nice storyline then why this sad humor in the end!!! All he should have done was peppered the whole movie with better humor and maybe some of my friends who hated it would have tolerated it. But yes, if you thing too much its an emotional roller coaster........

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