Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Phew! Finally after days of dillying dallying am here..Read this amazing book..the ones that make u pause and reflect...an absolute recommendation to all...Its called How Starbucks saved my life..a true story of Michael Gates Gill...born in an stinkingly affluent rich family..Yale educated...Joined JWT...rose to the level of Creative Director...gets fired...gets entangled in an extra maritial affair..job goes..family goes..friends go..money goes...and puff! hes on the road with no money and no place to stay!!! Add to that..hes gets diagnosed with Brain Tuemor...so docs and operations..but decides not to do the operation...one fine day sits in a Starbucks outlet and voila!!! joins it as an entry level partner....A very interesting read....its like from a position from where that guy was..you can never imagine what he had to go through...but maybe thats the truth of life....can get rogered anytime anywhere.

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