Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Life has a funny way of putting you down..so here I am sitting at home with a sore throat and a cold thats drained out energy from me..its bloddy hot and I can have anything cold!!! talk about "torture"....neways the times been good...completed a year at work...things look cool..it looks good to be able to play this nice little game called chess in real life...except you dont know who each player represents...so cant be surrised if a pawn suddenly becomes important enough as a bishop! But yes Ann Rynd was so right while writing the Fountainhead. Invariably you start relating to people and finding the Peters,Tooheys etc in them and by default assuming the self to be Howard!

Read another interesting book by Randy Pausch. This restarting of reading has done me some good as I have something positive to ponder about. Flyp was awsome, The last lecture was touching to say the least. It provides a parallel to Lance Armstrong...same disease..different results...same spirit....

Theres been a lot on musings....more on the same next time...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Phew! Finally after days of dillying dallying am here..Read this amazing book..the ones that make u pause and reflect...an absolute recommendation to all...Its called How Starbucks saved my life..a true story of Michael Gates Gill...born in an stinkingly affluent rich family..Yale educated...Joined JWT...rose to the level of Creative Director...gets fired...gets entangled in an extra maritial affair..job goes..family goes..friends go..money goes...and puff! hes on the road with no money and no place to stay!!! Add to that..hes gets diagnosed with Brain Tuemor...so docs and operations..but decides not to do the operation...one fine day sits in a Starbucks outlet and voila!!! joins it as an entry level partner....A very interesting read....its like from a position from where that guy was..you can never imagine what he had to go through...but maybe thats the truth of life....can get rogered anytime anywhere.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Back to the blogging world after a short hiatus...been a pretty eventful time..have been travelling..met new people....saw new dimensions to people already known...rediscovered myself in certain aspects...all said..had a nice time...
Travelling - always felt and believed that one needs to travel a lot...it opens the mind...see places and people in different light...the break one gets is just better...guess I need to travel atleast once a month...
People - new people are always fun, old ones funnier...generally is amazing to see how mediocracy is encouraged to keep the overall levels down..people are afraid someone new coming will raise standards..therby exposing certain people..so good people may not come in..levels of performance never raised and the overall status goes in a whirlpool...its like when life demands you run a sprint or a maraton to go ahead..one runs on a treadmill!! running for sure but getting nowhere..more on that later..
Myself...well I had always liked myself...just love my company...certain "close" people find that amazing..neways more on the "close" people later as have to go now...