Monday, April 10, 2006

So the internship started and I now find myself in the loop of home-travel-office-travel-home. Somehow travel becomes a big chunk with the terrible traffic situtation and the BMC's love for digging up the roads. Guess John Maynard Keynes would love the BMC for sharing the passion for digging trenches!

Bus and train travel teach you a lot about life. The guy taller to you has smelly armpits by default and the guy shorter than you has chameli or some other godamn oil on the damn head! Guess all the "normal" height people suffer the most. Speaking of normal its again time for vote bank politics by way of reservations. I feel we can never develop in real terms as a country as lomg as we have these damn politicians who don't know a shit about running a country.

Speaking of bus travel actually met up the conductor whose bus i used to take way back in 2000 during my school days. The chap still has and amazingly enthusiastic way with which he goes about doing his job in a bus in which you can't move an inch! The courteous mannerisms and the way of talking would show some luxury hotels and airlines airhostesses as novices! The dude is really chilled about his job - the job of a bus conductor - where its so easy to just come up and demand "TICKET" and the job is done but this guy comes up the you and asks "Aapko kahaan jaana hai saab? Yeh lo appka ticket aur yeh lo apkaa change." The guy actually does it for all the passengers. Guess we all can learn something from him about customer service. Neways life's a great teacher always....

More later....

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