Sunday, April 13, 2008

Its been a between the vital hardware required for blogging has koncked off....have travelled a few days..some days have been eventful...lots of learnings....but ya..traveling is the best learning one can get...theres a hell lot of stuff waiting to absorbed in this world..just that we chose to ignore and lead insignificant lives. I really find it amazing at times when I meet people who just want to live the way they are! And be best part is at times i get surrounded with such people! Sometimes I wonder why self introspection is the least seen virtue among people! I mean we go on discussing/talking/writing/thinking/bitching/praising etc etc endlessly about others but what about our own self! I mean, do we actually like spending time with ourselves?? Maybe my expectatins with people are too high..but it is only a function of what I expect of me.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The soldier travels across different battlefields to scout enemy positions and his camping points. The recons been pretty cool till now...jazz it up with a dose of beer and a dash of movies....pretty racy! But thats where the fun the battlefield!!