Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feels like an eternity since my last post...but then can be excused as had been travelling a lot these days...memorable places...Nashik, Aurangbad, Hyderabad, Bangalore the usul suspects....Bangalore stood out as it was my first visit to the te4ch city in the last 13 years...Last time I had gone, there were faint memories of a bustling South Indian city..techism was not present then..everything about Bangalore was so southie, the Vidhan Sauda, the South Indian Food, the busy streets of Kormangala (no malls then)..this could smell the techism in the air!!! It started with the train...It looked like half the coach was full of people who had something to do with IT....couple of TCS guys, one typical Mr. HCL, a parent whose daughter just joined Infy...whole lot of fun along the the can just throw a stone anywhere in Bagalore and it can break the window of an IT company..they are just everywhere!!! Neways a memorble trip....all good ones..well ya it could have got better if certain plans had worked out..but then thats life......So bck now to the maddening world of home today due to a bolt of fever!! Laptops koncked off...somehow mom's antique piece had daya on us and swithched on!! Otherwise its been over a couple of weeks without online after quite a long time.....

At a personal level got quite fascinated with the title Princess of Eclipse...kinda stuck me so now wanting to expand it into some form..paintain/peom/story I dont know...just that the title sounds apealing to me! Till then...!